
Monday, 8 April 2013

First Award - Liebster

Well I'm overjoyed on receiving my very first award,Liebster. Guess these awards are like pats on our back and all of us could do with some pats occasionally :) A big thanks to two generous and absolutely great bloggers Chitz of Indulge, her blog is full of wonderful recipes that really makes you want to Indulge and Bhawna of  Simply Delicious,her blog is full of some really delicious & awesome recipes, for passing the award on to me.

The rules of the Liebster award:
1. This award is given to new or up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers.
2. The Liebster Award is then passed along to other bloggers in the same category to help spread the word and support one another.
3. Each blogger should post 11 random facts about themselves.
4. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you, and then create 11 new questions for the bloggers you pass the award to.
5. Choose 11 new bloggers (with less than 200 followers) to pass the award to and link them in your post.
6. Go back to their page and tell them about the award.
7. Don’t nominate the person who nominated you.

11 Facts about me
1.I love reading and the library is one place that I love to frequent.
2.I love playing Badminton and TT, but now I only get to play with my 2.5 year old daughter,Ashlee :)
3.I love to talk and have simple childish fun :)
4.A perfect Cancer woman :)
5.I love to crochet, especially dolls.
6.Love to explore different cuisines and am always on the search for new recipes.
7.I simply love sweets :)
8.I like to travel and visit places of Historic importance.
9.I like watching Television series and my latest favorite is Grey's Anatomy.
10.I love to paint, it's one hobby that totally relaxes me.I'm an amateur and wish to become an expert some day
11. I'm a very lazy person :).

Questions from Chitra
1.If you were allowed to change something about yourselves, what would that be?
My laziness
2.Your favorite time pass other than cooking?
3.According to you which is most important in a blog - presentation, recipe or pictures? 
The Recipe
4.Your ultimate dream?
To make at least a small difference
5.Three qualities you would love to see in others?
Friendly,open and Kind
6.One prank that you played on someone?
Once while we were traveling home back from work on Hosur Road in Bangalore, we were as usual stuck in a traffic jam.I wore a scary Halloween mask and was looking out of the window of our bus.Our whole gang of friends on the bus had a good laugh looking at the bewildered look on the face of people who spotted me :)
7.Your favorite vacation spot?
No specific spot as yet,Hubby,I & my little girl are still exploring new places:)
8.Cooking according to you is?
Guess my blog description would explain it precisely 'Child's play and Adult joy at once !'
9.Who influences you the most? Like you would always listen to what this person says?
My Mom
10.Your favorite dessert?
Rasamalai !
11.One habit that you cannot change for life?
My talkative nature :)

Questions from Bhawna
1.What is your favorite past time?
2.Are you quite or active person?
Pretty active person :)
3.What is your idea for perfect breakfast?
Honestly speaking I hardly cook breakfast(lazybones:)) so it'll be brown bread with a slice of Cheese and a cup of juice
4.Who is your favorite blogger?
That's a difficult question :) Each blogger is special and good in their own way !
5.What would you do keep your family happy?
Cheer them up,I'm the comedian at our place
6.what is your favorite time of the year?
Summer !
7.what is your perspective of your life?
Live Life one day at a time !
8.what is your favorite quote?
If God brings you to it ,he will bring you through it
9.what is your dream vacation destination?
Berchtesgaden(A small town in the Austrian - German border)
10.favorite beauty product?
This might surprise women,I don't use any beauty product :)
11.who inspires you?
My Mom & Dad

Bloggers I nominate
1.Sangeetha Priya of  Nitha's Kitchen
2.Amrita Roy of  Motions and Emotions 
3.Helen Prabha of  All about my world
4. Meena of Encourage Spice
5.Jeya Jemini of My style of recipes
6.Priya of  Yummy Foods
8.Shailaja Reddy of  Sahasra Recipes
9.techie2mom of My Cooking adventures
10.Nisha S of My Food Express
11.Preethi of Kitchen Delicacies

11 Questions from me :)
1.How would you describe yourself in a few words ?
2.Your favorite celebrity cook ?
3.One kitchen gadget you'd wish for if you have a magic wand ,with just one wish:) ?
4.What makes you very happy?
5.Which is your favorite restaurant dish,like the first thing you would order for?
6.Your other hobbies ?
7.Cook books that you like?
8.One fond memory that you cherish, with relation to cooking ?
9.Your favourite author or movie star ?
10.Of all the places that you've visited,which is your favorite ?
11.One thing from your childhood that you miss doing now ?


  1. Nice to know about you reni...congratulation....wish you more in future...

  2. Congrats on your award. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Congrats on your award.You have beautiful blog with lots of yummy recipes and i am very happy to follow you.

    1. Thanks a lot for stopping by Poornima !

  4. Congratulations,Reni!! Got to know a lot about you! :)

    1. Thanks Rita for patiently reading the post :)

  5. congrats dear...thanks for passing the award

  6. Congrats on the award Reni. Loved reading about you and thanks so much for passing it on :)

  7. congrats Reni... glad to know about you and thanks for passing award to me...

  8. Beautiful blog... Congrats on your award... I'm a new blogger... Do visit my blog..

    1. Thanks for stopping by dear !

    2. Hey Reni, please collect your Liebster award from me,

  9. Loved reading abt u.. U have quite a list of talents lined up mam :) And my sis was telling me to watch Grey's Anatomy.. I am just scared to take that series also up as another addiction ;)

    1. Thanks for patiently reading dear :)I totally agree with you it can be real addictive:)

  10. I can sooo identify with you, esp. on facts 1,2,6 and 11 :)
    Glad to know more about you...
    Thanks a lot for sharing your award with me :)
