
Saturday, 5 October 2013

Sweet Potato Halwa

      This is exactly what happens when I make a resolution to do something.The last time I posted I decided to post in the next few days and I went without posting for 10 days :P This is why I never make resolutions,my New Year resolutions don't last for more than 2 weeks :) I was posting more regularly when I didn't have time.I was taking care of my little girl the whole day and she just wouldn't let me sit at the comp.She used to hate it when I sat at the comp,so i only got to sit at the comp when she was napping.But now I have almost 5 hours at my disposal and yet I hardly post. I've been doing some things which I missed doing in the past few years.I walk aimlessly for at least an hour everyday .I just let my legs carry me to wherever they want at a brisk pace.I feel that it's a kind of meditation with the mind wandering carelessly and happily.I usually end up in a church or a quiet place and sit for 15 minutes talking to myself and God. I've really missed my own company :) I could never do that at home because I either sit with the comp or cook or turn on the TV.End of the walk I feel so happy and light-hearted :)
       The walk has another big advantage too, I discover so many little shops selling good things at a very reasonable price.I love shopping too, I'm not an extravagant shopper though.I'm a little on the thrifty side ;) I found some sweet potatoes at a good price,they are usually very expensive here in Germany.Sweet potatoes have loads of health benefits for kids,helps a lot in boosting the immune system.I usually make muffins from them,but this time I decided to make an Halwa out of it.It turned out yummier than I expected...So off to the recipe....

You'll Need :
Serves 4 
Sweet Potatoes -  2 big ones ( makes about 3.5 cups when boiled and mashed)
Sugar - 1/2 a cup - 5 -6 tbsp
Cardamoms - 2
Cinnamon powder - 1/2 tsp
Whole Milk - 1 cup - 150 ml
Condensed milk - 1/2 cup
Ghee - 2 - 3 tbsp
Nuts - 1 tbsp

-Boil the sweet potatoes,remove the skin and grate them or mash them.
-Grind the sugar along with the cardamom finely.
-To a thick or non stick pan add the ghee and when it heats up add the boiled mashed sweet potatoes.
-Saute for 8 - 10 minutes until they clump together.
-Add the milk and the condensed milk and mix well.Let it boil for 2 - 3 minutes.
-Add the ground sugar and cinnamon powder and mix well.Let it cook for another 5 - 8 minutes on a slow flame,stirring occasionally.
-Then increase the heat to medium and start stirring it until the mixture starts oozing out oil and starts leaving the pan.This takes about 5 minutes.
-Saute the nuts in a little ghee .Garnish the Halwa with the nuts.Done !


  1. We get loads of sweet potatoes over here and these are reasonably priced. I like what you did, use the potatoes for a creative and tempting halwa. Certainly will try out for next weekend. I just made a local dish with sweet potatoes today and agreed on the nutrients we get from them.

  2. never tried halwa with sweet potato...your looks yummy

  3. My resolutions usually last for about an hour - give or take a couple of minutes ;)

    The sweet potato halwa is something new to me. In fact, I rarely make halwas here! And love the styling Reni - especially that blue background and that little box there :)

  4. Reni,I see a lot of my likes in u always! Love the walks, its the me time I look forward to the most alas there are no shops nearby here but only wilderness and joggers to keep me company :).
    The sweet potato halwa looks yum.

  5. i absolutely agree with you on the walking - really sometimes u need that "me" time all by yourself just going here and there without any aim... i've been wanting to drive one day on a weekend early morning but it's not happening!!! the halwa sounds interesting... :)

  6. very delicious and super tempting halwa....

  7. Tempting Halwa.. Preparing halwa with sweet potato is interesting and innovative.. Nice clicks..

  8. delicious and love hte clicks too:-)

  9. Halwa with sweet potato must be super yummy....lovely presentation....

  10. Halwa looks delicious, with sweet potato, on the list..

  11. Sweet potato halwa looks delicious Reni, My hubby won't let me buy. Please visit my new website: Zesty South Indian Kitchen

  12. halwa looks yummy...awesome...

  13. halwa looks very delicious and tempting.

  14. Looks yum.Thanks for sending this to Gayathri's WTML Event hosted by me.
