If there's a competition for the most inconsistent blogger or the Disappearing Blogger,I'm pretty sure that I'll win it hands down :).It's been 3 months since I posted,it's been one thing after the other.Can't believe it's again the time of the year to reflect and retrospect,the year 2014 flew by real fast .Guess all of us would have had our share of ups and downs,beautiful and sad memories.Yet the beginning of a another New Year fills us also with new Hope and energy,reminds us of another chance that life has bestowed upon us.Wishing you all a very happy and beautiful New Year !

My bog looked so neglected this year that I wished to end it on a sweet note.This is probably one of the easiest and forgiving cakes around.No matter how much you mess up with measuring the ingredients it still turns out perfectly yummy.To add on to,neither does it call for eggs nor do you need to get your beater out ,So any time you want to whip up a cake quickly this one would come in real handy.Off to the recipe !
You'll Need:
Dates (seedless) - 200 g
All-purpose flour - 300 g - 3 cups
Whole Milk - 375 ml - 1 1/2 cups
Sugar - 275 g - 1 1/3 cups
Oil - 150 ml or Butter - 50 g(melted and cooled)
Baking Soda - 1 tsp
Baking powder - 1 tsp
Nuts(mixed,chopped) - 4 -5 tbsp ( I used raisins,almonds,walnuts and cashew nuts)
Whole Milk - 1/2 cup ( if needed)
-Preheat the oven to 150 °C.
-Sieve the Flour and the baking powder and baking soda-
-In a small pan mix the dates and the milk and simmer it for 5 - 7 mins,until the dates are softened
Then grind the dates with little of the milk in which it was boiled, in a mixer to a fine paste.Then add the remaining milk (the milk in which it was boiled)too and pulse for a second so that it's well mixed.I used lion dates,.Alternatively you can also soak the dates for 3 - 4 hours.If using soft dates you can directly grind it in a mixer with a little milk to a fine paste.
-In a mixing bowl add the Dates and milk mixture,sugar and oil and whisk with a balloon whisk until well mixed.
-Add the flour mixture and whisk again until well combined.
-If you feel that the batter is very thick(This depends on the dates used) add from 1/4 to 1/2 cup of milk and whisk well.
-Add the chopped nuts and mix well.The batter fills upto 3/4th in an 8" by 2" round pan.
-Bake in a Preheated oven from 35 - 45 minutes until a skewer inserted in the centre comes out clean.Baking time might change from oven to oven and it's safer to check if the cake is done from the 30th minute.Done !
Thanks for stopping by !Happy New Year !